“You need a license to drive a car, and you should be required to read this book before you use a chart, a graph, or a table in a presentation. It’s fun, clear, and useful. Numbers and words are not enough, it’s time we got smart about communicating data.”
—SETH GODIN, author of This Is Marketing
“Steve Wexler’s graphs are vivid, funny, practical, and highly informative—and so is this book.”
—TIM HARFORD, bestselling author of The Undercover Economist and The Data Detective
“Steve Wexler has done for data visualization what Dale Carnegie did for the art of making friends and influencing people, and Strunk and White did for writing. The Big Picture helps professionals at every level of an organization master the fundamentals and develop better “maps” that lead to better strategies.”
—JOHN C. PITTENGER, former SVP of Corporate Strategy for Koch Industries, Inc.
The Big Book of Dashboards
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Comprising dozens of examples that address different industries and departments (healthcare, transportation, finance, human resources, marketing, customer service, sports, etc.) and different platforms (print, desktop, tablet, smartphone, and conference room display) The Big Book of Dashboards is the only book that matches great dashboards with real-world business scenarios.

“The Big Book of Dashboards provides a solid treatment of the fundamentals of data visualization, but the numerous examples are what set this book apart. The comments from the authors after each chapter remind the reader that creating influential dashboards is both a science and an art. This book will spend more time on my desk than on my shelf―incredibly practical.”

“Some books about visualization focus on principles and guidelines, but they don’t devote enough pages to explain how to apply them to the design of complex, multi-section displays, like business dashboards. This book is the opposite of that. While the book contains an introduction to data visualization fundamentals, it is the numerous examples of real dashboards that sets it apart. If you’ve ever found yourself stuck when creating a dashboard, you will likely find a solution here.“

“This book is full of beautiful dashboards along with uber-practical advice from three authors with many years of experience. It is a treasure chest for hardcore data-viz geeks and business leaders needing to get smart on how to present data to optimize operations.”

“This book provides you with a vast array of real-world dashboards, and shares the thoughts and considerations that have gone into each example. The authors even provide a full explanation that acts as a user guide. Mix and match these ideas, and you’ll find what you need to visualize your data.“