Andy Kriebel

What to do when so many people get it wrong

By |2017-01-09T13:05:59+00:00January 9th, 2017|General Discussions, Makeovers|

By Steve Wexler and Jeffrey Shaffer January 9, 2017 Please also see follow-up post. Overview Makeover Monday, started by Andy Kriebel in 2009 and turned into a weekly social data project by Kriebel and Andy Cotgreave in 2016, is now one of the biggest community endeavors in data visualization. By the end of 2016 there were over 3,000 [...]

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility (or, Think Before you use a Donut Chart)

By |2015-01-20T12:45:15+00:00January 20th, 2015|Business Visualizations, General Discussions, Makeovers|

 “With great power comes great responsibility” -- Voltaire -- Benjamin Parker (Uncle Ben from Spiderman) Overview Recently both Ryan Sleeper and Andy Kriebel blogged about donut charts in Tableau. Figure 1 -- Donut chart courtesy of Andy Kriebel While both of them cautioned about where, when, and how best to use them, I [...]