
Some thoughts on Alberto Cairo’s “The Truthful Art”

By |2016-09-07T12:18:05+00:00September 7th, 2016|Business Visualizations, General Discussions|

Overview Imagine a terrific introductory college course presented by a terrific professor. That’s the feeling I had in reading The Truthful Art, Alberto Cairo’s follow up to his first book The Functional Art. Whereas his first book took a “look at what you can and should do” approach to help people see and understand data, [...]

Infographics Behaving Badly

By |2013-03-05T11:08:16+00:00March 5th, 2013|Makeovers|

My problem with most infographics is that they sacrifice accuracy and clarity for whimsy and cuteness. While I understand the desire to "draw the reader" in, I believe it's critical that the information and the story not be misleading. So, imagine my delight when I thought I had found an infographic that was spot-on accurate and fun and engaging. [...]