Pie Gauge

Spooning Skyscrapers! Maybe this Time You’ll See Why Bars Work Better than Donuts

By |2016-08-11T10:01:44+00:00August 11th, 2016|Business Visualizations, General Discussions, Makeovers|

Overview As readers of this blog know, I have my problems with donut charts. That said, I acknowledge that they can be cool and, under certain circumstances, enormously useful. On a recent flight I was struck by how much I liked the animated “estimated time to arrival” donut chart that appeared on my personal TV [...]

There is no perfect chart and there is no perfect dashboard

By |2016-06-22T13:31:54+00:00June 22nd, 2016|Business Visualizations, General Discussions, Makeovers|

Overview My obsession with finding the best way to visualize data will often infiltrate my dreams. In my slumbers I find myself dragging Tableau pills in an ongoing pursuit to come up with the ideal dashboard that shines light on whatever data set has invaded my psyche. But is the pursuit of the perfect dashboard [...]