Chris Love

Chart Chat Live — Round 3

By |2020-03-28T23:36:08+00:00February 19th, 2019|Business Visualizations, Chart Chat, Videos|

Chris Love joins Steve and Jeff as they discuss Lollipop charts (again) Bar (chart) hopping Name the author Things that delighted Things that dismayed More on population pyramids (and the community offering some amazing alternatives, particularly from Chris Love) Critical thinking in data analysis

More about Population Pyramids (and why this community is amazing)

By |2024-09-13T14:22:05+00:00February 6th, 2019|Business Visualizations, General Discussions, Makeovers|

February 6, 2019 My earlier post on why I don’t like Population Pyramids generated a lot of communication on twitter and this communication lead to what I think is an elegant and analytically solid offering from Chris Love.  His contribution was in the result of iterating and collaborating with several people, including Dorian Banutoiu [...]