The best encapsulation I’ve heard of the past year comes from a colleague, Jon Cohen of SurveyMonkey, who saw this twitter post:

There’s so much to be grateful for, but so little to be happy about.

I am very grateful that there remains a demand for my services, but I know of many people who are not so fortunate, and I often think of my full-time musician friends who are struggling financially and emotionally.

Realize that performing music is not just a way to pay bills; for a performer it is oxygen. We are all thirsting for more in-person interactions, but for a performing artist this inability to connect can be soul-crushing.

Making and keeping the connection

This past week I received a wonderful email from Chrissi Poland about a new song she wrote called “Down With Me.” It’s a love letter for every musician, artist, and entrepreneur hustling to have their voices heard (and I suspect, to pay the bills.)

I think you will enjoy the song.


So, what can you do to support the performing arts, and artists, during the pandemic?

You can certainly support Chrissi (and others) by watching their videos, but you should also seek out the artists that have sustained you and consider sending them a fan email, paying for a download, purchasing some merchandise, or attending a livestream event.

You are their oxygen.