Welcome to my weekly journeys into terrific music performances. There won’t be any data viz stuff here, just some good music.
About ten years ago I played a gig in Massachusetts, way too far to drive home. Although I got to my hotel around 1 AM, I was pretty wired.
I turned on the TV, channel surfed, and quickly stumbled across this amazing rockabilly band featuring… wait, is that Jeff Beck?
It was, and the music soon pivoted to some amazing covers of some Les Paul and Mary Ford recordings, with Jeff Beck nailing the Les Paul sound and this singer I had never heard of before, Imelda May, crushing the multi-tracked Mary Ford parts.
What a great and unexpected treat. When I got home I did some Googling and discovered I had watched a PBS special called Jeff Beck’s Rock & Roll Party Honoring Les Paul. BTW, you can stream it on Peacock.
Beck was a musician’s musician, and absolutely shines on all the songs.
But he was also a very generous musician and had no trouble sharing the spotlight with his sidemen and sidewomen.
I leave you with two selections from the performance. Enjoy.
How High the Moon
Hold That Tiger!