Steve’s Blog

Laying off Twitter for a Week

By |2022-12-14T20:15:33+00:00December 14th, 2022|Business Visualizations, General Discussions, Health and Social Issues|

Where and how to have discussions around data visualization From December 5 through 9, I took a break from Twitter to spark conversation on The Data Visualization Society’s Slack workspace. I want to thank the dozens of colleagues who joined me for this experiment as we needed, and got, a critical mass of participants. [...]

Some people to follow

By |2022-09-21T23:14:37+00:00September 21st, 2022|Business Visualizations, General Discussions|

I subscribe to a lot of newspapers and magazines (some of which I read), but to satisfy my interest in data visualization, I find the best information often comes from people I follow on Twitter and from newsletter subscriptions. I’ll confess that I’m surprised at how many good conversations I see about data visualization on [...]

Do you really need to fly for business?

By |2022-09-21T17:34:49+00:00September 6th, 2022|Business Visualizations, General Discussions, Health and Social Issues|

As people who read my newsletter or attend Chart Chat know, I was one of the volunteers who contributed to The Carbon Almanac. I also subscribe to the Carbon Almanac daily newsletter (it’s excellent). Here’s what came in the other day. I used to travel a lot to give public and private workshops. Then the [...]